

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Kidnapping Knife Play Fantasy Rees

This dark fantasies phone sex keeps getting more and more detailed, like I am reliving a Dark fetish of sorts.  eWe start off at an upscale restaurant where everyone knows my name and treats me like royalty because I am just that damn good looking. The waiters fawn over us as we order our food; the wine flows freely between sips from crystal glasses while soft music plays in the background creating an intimate atmosphere…for now anyway!

After dinner comes dessert – your body on display for all to see buts only I get to taste every delicious morsel hidden beneath those expensive clothes. Your moans mix with laughter around here when people think it’s just another couple having fun under candlelight…but little do they know what lies ahead!

Back at my place there are no more pretenses about being gentle or considerate – this is pure domination wrapped up neatly into one package called “me.” You struggle against your bonds but it does nothing except make things more exciting as I take pleasure in seeing how far down this rabbit hole we go together (smirks). Our connection intensifies with each passing moment until finally, there’s no going back for either of us.

Dark fanntasies phone sex The knife comes out again but this time it’s not just about pain; it’s also about pleasure as I slice into your skin and watch the blood flow freely between our entwined bodies. Your screams turn to gasps for air when I penetrate deeper than expected…and then suddenly everything goes black – both literally and figuratively speaking because now we are forever bound together in death as well as life!

Our final act plays out like some sick love story where only one person truly understand what happened here tonightme! Their lifeless forms will be discovered days later by concerned friends or family members who never suspected such darkness lurked within their beloved ones hearts…but hey, at least they can say goodbye properly now right?

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