Category Archive: Domination phone sex

Dark fantasies are what some nasty couples have

Dark fantasies are what people have and it comes out when they drink. Like the couple I was babysitting for when I was a dumb teeny slut. I thought I was safe since I was babysitting at their house, until they came home drunk. I woke up with him standing over me jacking off. “You look like my youngest sis when she was your age” he moaned as he jerked off. “I think it’s time for me to go home, it’s getting late and dark outside” I whimper while I stand up. Then his naked wife came up behind me and grabbed me tight.

Dark fantasies

“You aren’t going anywhere young slut” she said sternly. My uncle had abused me for years at this point. so by the time she was tying my hands I had given in. Afterwards they both ripped my clothes off. “Let’s do to her what we did to your little sis back then” she said drunkenly. That’s when she laid me down and mounted my face. I knew the best thing was to lick her cunt. That way I could get out of this okay. “Open her legs,” he moans as he continues to jack off. She started to rub my clit in order to lube me up.

“This young bitch has been played with before and she likes it” she says as she licks her fingers. My young body was reacting to their abuse and it had me wet. Therefore he just rammed his cock inside me. “Her young cunt is tight like my sisters was” he grunted as he fucked me hard. His wife was enjoying the torture fuck I was getting so much she fed me her pussy juices.

“Fuck her harder make her scream into my cunt like your sister did” she said as her juices sprayed into my mouth. Hearing that made him picture the moment he tortured his little sis until he filled her up. That’s when his cock pumped a big load of sperm in me. “Fuck I wanted to save some for her ass” he moaned. “You still can, we paid for the whole night” she said, panting while still riding my face.


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

Taboo Role Play for Mommy Rape Fantasies

taboo role playI love exploring a taboo role play with callers. One of my favorites involves young men force fucking mommy. Perhaps because I always wished my son would have tied me up and shared me with his friends. Some of my callers will explore this sort of fantasy with me. Because many men have rape fantasies for mommy or their best friend’s mom. Even aunt or sister.

I had a caller last night tell me he wanted to explore my darkest fantasies. But kind of hard for me think about that because I have done some dark shit in my life being an owned woman. Three men have officially owned me in my life. My daddy owned me first. However, after I ran away from home, I met an older man who married me and gave me my son and daughter. But he was worse than my daddy. He liked to beat me. Daddy just tied me up and lived out his rape phone sex fantasies on his baby girl.

I Enjoy Sharing My Dark Desires With Men Like You

And I left my husband for my current master of almost 20 years. I lucked out with this guy. He has a wife, and I became his mistress, his slave and his paralegal secretary. He enjoys spanking, bondage and cock worshiping. He’s never physically hurt me or sent me to the ER. Even uses safe words. But some days, I think I just crave some extreme abuse like the first two masters gave me.

One of the reasons I do phone sex is so I can explore those darker things that turn me on. But in doing so, I get to help men cum to their dark fantasies too. And I guess as a submissive whore, I just want to satisfy men by any means necessary. And maybe explore some of my darker desires too. You game?

Submissive Whore Bernice

1-855-733-5746 Ext 4769

Dark Fantasies of giving you the hurt are available with me

dark fantasiesDark Fantasies of giving you the hurt are available with me. How I love fucking up men and their families when they owe the big boss money. I’ve spent my time hurting men and enjoying it for a very long time. Some men begin to really like the pain I inflict on nipples, balls and even  that sensitive cock!

Dark fantasies of pain receiving?

Personally I love hearing the moans and cries of the pain. I’m here to put the hurt down on your precious family jewels because you have been a very bad motherfucker. Some people might call some fantasies of mine dark extreme but when they’re not fantasies. and they’ve been put into play where you hurt your cock for me as a whole new ballgame.

Taboo role play and CBT

Taboo role play Is me being your mistress if I make you grab implements of torture for your own penis and balls. Nice the late I have to top the head of that cock off and she’ll call 911 after adding the call with me? Is that too much for you baby. Well how about just go getting that spoon and heating it up on your stove. Guess where it’s going to go?? That’s right baby just right up on the bottom of those balls I should check that cock hard and fast for me! 

CBT phone sex Mistress

Sometimes, I have to pull my headset away as my fingers play because your screams echo off the walls of your own home. I like it that way. Sympathy? I get get off the more torture you give your cock and balls for me. CBT phone sex It’s all about me bringing that pain to your most sensitive delicate areas. A man prides himself on his big dick in balls but what happens if he just wants some mutilated a little bit? That’s when you call your evil mistress Alanza and let me fuck you up.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4262

Dark fantasies are what moms dealers traded to use me for

Dark fantasies are what some guys have, even dealers and I learned early on. My mom was a druggy bitch and sold my holes to anyone who wanted them. Especially my butthole. Her bbc dealers wanted a tight little slut butt hole to milk their cocks and they were will to trade. Mom always took the dope. She got a big score when they wanted to pound me as a group. She not only got a month’s rent but blow to last her for that long too. So of course she took the offer. My little body was used like a rag doll. As soon as I was undressed I felt my holes being picked and touched.

Dark fantasies

Getting on my knees and sucking their big black dicks was a task enough. My little mouth was stretched open and I would choke. But they really wanted to have fun with me that is when the biggest bull picked my little body up and gave me some nose candy. As soon as I felt the rush, something clicked in me.  I was theirs my asshole got pumped with a coke covered finger. It was easy for them to spread my limbs open as they used me for their Rape phone sex fantasies. While continuing to feed me lines of snow.

At some point I no longer felt the pain of their ripping me open. Instead I felt thrush of the drugs. Even when my asshole was bleeding they kept fucking me with their big black veiny cocks. They were so high too that they didn’t care they just used my blood as lube. My little body was bounced from monster cock to monster cock. Finally the last load was busted in me and they just left my limp almost lifeless body for my mother to clean up. That wasn’t the first or last time I got fucked like that but now I get high and anything I want for it and they get to torture fuck me.


(855) 733-5746 ext4874

Dark Fantasies Are Made In The Homicidal Druggies Mind

Dark fantasies are what druggy homicidal maniacs think up. A homicidal mind is a dark mind. I should know as I have been a vicious little brat from the get go. A true homicidal blood thirsty maniac turn dark vixen.

When a pervert enters my twisted web of discreet demonic snuff fantasies playground, he is in for a mind fuck. The twisted tendencies of our vision for the session will grow into pure demonic bliss.

Torturing and fantasy raping young tender virgins. A sacrifice of a mans testicles to the dark goddess. The torturing of that scrotum and cock with my full on sadistic desires. All of this can be had in my realm of satanic sadistic blasphemous pleasures.

If it’s a mind fuck of the darker side you seek then let me slip my serpent tongue into that brain and lap up every dark thought that has entered your mind.


Dark fantasies

Dark Mistress Morticia

(855) 733-5746 ext 4617

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Kidnapping Knife Play Fantasy Rees

This dark fantasies phone sex keeps getting more and more detailed, like I am reliving a Dark fetish of sorts.  eWe start off at an upscale restaurant where everyone knows my name and treats me like royalty because I am just that damn good looking. The waiters fawn over us as we order our food; the wine flows freely between sips from crystal glasses while soft music plays in the background creating an intimate atmosphere…for now anyway!

After dinner comes dessert – your body on display for all to see buts only I get to taste every delicious morsel hidden beneath those expensive clothes. Your moans mix with laughter around here when people think it’s just another couple having fun under candlelight…but little do they know what lies ahead!

Back at my place there are no more pretenses about being gentle or considerate – this is pure domination wrapped up neatly into one package called “me.” You struggle against your bonds but it does nothing except make things more exciting as I take pleasure in seeing how far down this rabbit hole we go together (smirks). Our connection intensifies with each passing moment until finally, there’s no going back for either of us.

Dark fanntasies phone sex The knife comes out again but this time it’s not just about pain; it’s also about pleasure as I slice into your skin and watch the blood flow freely between our entwined bodies. Your screams turn to gasps for air when I penetrate deeper than expected…and then suddenly everything goes black – both literally and figuratively speaking because now we are forever bound together in death as well as life!

Our final act plays out like some sick love story where only one person truly understand what happened here tonightme! Their lifeless forms will be discovered days later by concerned friends or family members who never suspected such darkness lurked within their beloved ones hearts…but hey, at least they can say goodbye properly now right?

Deanna Leaves Showing It All

1-855-733-5753 ext. 4855

Dark Fantasies for Layla Means a Airtight Force Fuck

My pussy soaks for violent, dark fantasies. I slide my fingers into my pussy whenever I think about a man leaving me bloody, bruised, and leaking his cum. And I know that you like to picture me the same way. My torn-up ass hole dripping your cum makes your cock hard as fuck. Kinky sluts like me are hard to come by. You’d been bragging about what a sick demented whore you met online to one of your friends, and you both decided to test how much I really liked the rough shit.

Live out the Fucked up Dark Fantasies

Dark fantasies

I could tell you both wanted to fuck me. I was wearing the tiniest little dress and hooker heels. But a blood-thirsty little slut like me doesn’t just give up pussy for free. I joked that the both of you should box for the right to fuck my cunt. But you had a better idea. When we got to the empty training gym you brought me into the ring. And then you slapped me. Your friend tries to yank off my dress. When I scream you cover my mouth. And then I feel his fingers forcing their way into my pussy.

You tell me that if I take your cocks you’ll think about letting me go and then force your slimy tongue in my mouth. Then I feel the hard dick pressed against my bare ass. I hear him spitting. And then my ass is on fire. His cock rips through my asshole and I scream into your mouth. You pull out your dick and fuck my throat too. Slapping and spitting on my face.

I scream around your cock as my holes get forced to spread wide but it just makes you both fuck me harder. Your dick deprives me of oxygen. I can’t decide whether to try to push your cock out of my mouth or try to pull your friend’s cock out of my ass. So I start playing with my wet pussy.

Forced Fucked Layla

(855) 733-5746 ext 4310

Dark fantasies are part of my family’s needs

Dark fantasies are part of my family’s needs. I know this because my uncle is a sicko. He wanted to torture fuck my mom, his little sis every night. But what he really wanted was his mommy to know. Therefore he decided to fuck her asshole open in the living room where he would get caught. “That’s right scream and cry while I ram my cock in your ass, it makes it more fun” he moaned out as he fucked her hard. That way his mom would hear them and see.

Dark fantasies

“I knew you were a nasty pervyboy” his mom laughed as she watched him ram his son cock in his sisters asshole. “Since you are going to use her holes anyways, you will do it my way” she said as she pulled some stockings out. Then she tied my mom’s hands behind her back and another one around her neck. “While you fuck your sister’s ass,  I will pull on this” she said as she grabbed the stocking and started to play with her cunt.

“You like watching me use my little sister?” My uncle asked his momma. “I love watching a tight hole getting stretched open” his mommy responded as she started pulling harder on the stocking. It helped bounce her daughter back on her brothers cock. “She is milking me much better now” my uncle moaned as he continues to fuck my mom.

Finally his mom squirted on her fingers. It made her pull so hard on the stocking that my mom’s body shook and she ended up passing out. That made it much better for my uncle. As soon as her body went limp, he started to cum. He filled her up and they just left her there like a corps. Now he loves fucking stiff bodies.


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex With Hot BDSM Phone Sex Girl Lacey

I love dark fantasies with BDSM because it allows me to explore the darker sides of myself that society deems unacceptable. It’s a release from the constraints of normalcy, allowing us to dive headfirst into our deepest desires without fear or judgement.

My last BDSM encounter was with a dominatrix who specialized in extreme pain play. She had me tie my partner tightly, leaving only small slivers of air between his skin and the ropes binding him. Then she proceeded to whip his back until it bled, all while Dark fantasieschanting dirty words and demanding obedience from hers and our “little slut”. The pain seemed exquisite; each lash sending shock-waves through his body that left him and me both trembling and aching for more!

As she moved downwards towards his ass cheeks, he couldn’t help but beg for mercy even though part of him knew better than to expect any. But when she finally penetrated his asshole with a huge strap-on dildo – stretching him beyond what felt possible – the sexual nature of it all took over and I had my cunt in front of his mouth. Demanding he eat my pussy while they continued fucking like animals underneath. Our moans filled the dungeon as we fucked, sucked and moaned and screamed harder and faster, seeking release through each other’s pain.

She slapped my face demanding I slap his hard enough to leave marks while I begged for more; pleading with her not to stop even though I knew she wouldn’t listen! And when at last we all came together – screaming out in ecstasy mixed with agony – all that remained was a mess of sweat-soaked bodies and torn emotions left behind like discarded clothes on the floor.

It was beautifully twisted…a dance between love and hate wrapped up in leather restraints and latex gloves. I hope we can visit that sexy dom again some day soon. What a thrill!

Lacey Rough and Nasty Perfect Slut

1-855-788-5746 ext. 4308

CBT phone sex, a cum shot that’ll damage your blood vessels!

CBT phone sexCBT phone sex for you fuck pigs that can’t help but seek arrangements with women out of your league… You thought you could come to me and be pleasured… You thought wrong! Of course, you couldn’t help yourself the moment you laid eyes on me, my badass pics and sexy Teen body put you on edge. You thought maybe you could change me, tame me, and have me do as you say. A Teen whore like me isn’t looking to be saved.

Now that I’ve got you feeding out of the palm of my hand… I will use all that I know against you making you my slave… You will be left with no other choice but to do as I say. You wouldn’t want the world to find out about your Dark fetish… Would you? Welp! you should have thought with the head on your shoulders instead of the one that stands at the neck of your stubby widdle cock. You sick fuck, if you can’t pleasure a woman what made you think you could a younger girl? How humiliated you must feel, forcing your way into my Baby girl pussy only to receive yet again no reaction…

You don’t deserve to have a dick or balls. Your worthless cock doesn’t hang long enough and your balls are so pathetically small they give the illusion that your balls have yet to drop. Here let’s see if your cock will reach my tonsils… Let your balls rest against my chin.. does that feel good? good, a huge chomp at the base and me ripping your dick off with my teeth will teach you to quit honoring your Deep dark fantasies.

Gothic teen Terry

(855) 733-5746 ext 4629

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