Category Archive: Extreme snuff stories

Dark Fantasies Are Made In The Homicidal Druggies Mind

Dark fantasies are what druggy homicidal maniacs think up. A homicidal mind is a dark mind. I should know as I have been a vicious little brat from the get go. A true homicidal blood thirsty maniac turn dark vixen.

When a pervert enters my twisted web of discreet demonic snuff fantasies playground, he is in for a mind fuck. The twisted tendencies of our vision for the session will grow into pure demonic bliss.

Torturing and fantasy raping young tender virgins. A sacrifice of a mans testicles to the dark goddess. The torturing of that scrotum and cock with my full on sadistic desires. All of this can be had in my realm of satanic sadistic blasphemous pleasures.

If it’s a mind fuck of the darker side you seek then let me slip my serpent tongue into that brain and lap up every dark thought that has entered your mind.


Dark fantasies

Dark Mistress Morticia

(855) 733-5746 ext 4617

Dark fetish for Ass rape porn and havin Sex with young girls

Dark fetishI have a Dark fetish for Ass rape porn and watching worthless young sluts get tortured… I’ve always been an emo-type chick! I am the reason my bestfriend went missing and was never found… My daddy wanted to fuck her and I was his way into her cotton panties… After all, I was only friends with her so Daddy could have his way. He always used me to reel in all sorts of littles from the playgrounds! Dad even had me host slumber parties where we would roofy the girlies into a hallucination state and Dad would have their way with them.

But, Jenna wasn’t so lucky, she was different Daddy couldn’t shake his Snuff fantasy of having her gagged by his cock until her pale face turned blue. He wanted to watch he struggle for air and take her last breath choking on her vomit from dad ramming his cock in and out of her throat. She was a screamer! So I wound up having to kill her before she even fell limp, but luckily when I slit her throat her body began to compulsion so daddy got to enjoy the feeling of her neck spasming while he shot the Biggest cum shot ever on her throat!

I got to do the honors of throwing her body into the ditch Daddy had dug up by the pond in our backyard… She was just labeled as a runaway, for her behavioral issues. Dad enjoyed having sex with dead bodies and got to enjoy hers while it decomposed! Eventually, it smelled so rotten we had to ditch it. I have many Extreme snuff stories that Daddy and I created together.

Accomplice Terry

(855) 733-5746 ext 4629

Dark fantasies are what some get

Dark fantasies are what developed inside me thanks to my uncle and his nasty homemade porn. I found an unlabeled tape and popped it in the VCR. It was my sadistic unc and he had two young dummies from next door bent over. I could see their ass and little balls and dickies hanging. “Spread your ass open” he demands of them. With trembling hands they do as he says.

Right away my uncle slams his hard cock meat in the youngest tightest hole. As the poor lad cried my uncle fucked his tight little asshole. Although he was crying and bleeding my uncle kept forcing his cock deep inside him. After a bit my uncle wrapped his hands around his neck and squeezed. In the video I could hear him fighting for breath as he got pounded. Then I heard a snap and his little body went limp.

Dark fantasies

His friend watched horrified as my uncle moaned out “Your next”. Then I saw him spray his sperm deep in his tight asshole. I watched as my uncle stood up and his bloody cock dangled while getting behind the other dummy neighbor boyslut. Before I could watch more I heard, “you will be just like them I’d you don’t do as I say”. My uncle was standing behind me. After years of being his accomplice I live Taboo role play and many nasty taboo things. Especially when it comes to me luring in dumb little sluts for a cock to rip open.


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

Dark Fantasies For Rena’s Dark and Dirty Mind

I have many dark fantasies. One that plays over in my head is a couple invites me back for a threesome, you and your girl have me meet at a hotel but I have some other plans se.

My fingers trace along the blade of a knife hidden behind my back before pulling it out slowly, savoring the way it catches the light just so. I look over at your girl and seductively say, “are you sure you want me to do this?” She nods frantically, unable or unwilling to speak past her rapidly beating heart.

Without further ado, I plunge the knife deep into your chest – right where your heart should be – and watch as shock registers on both of your faces before giving way to pain etched across  your grimmacing face.

As you gasps for air and clutches at your chest, blood gushing between your fingers, I lean in close so only your girl can hear me whisper. “Does it make you wet to see him suffer?” as I start fingering her cunt and kissing her ==e

“You like this?” I ask her huskily, feeling power course through me at her obvious arousal as she plays with her clit with a monster black dildo .

I lean down again to capture one of Daisy’s trembling lips between mine while reaching beneath her skirt; finding what I seek without hesitation. She moans into the kiss as I tease her clit through her panties, fingers curling around the knife handle once more for good measure. The combination of fear and desire is palpable in every breath she takes; it’s intoxicating to say the least.

My free hand finds its way under your4q shirt, tracing patterns on his sweaty back before pressing the blade against soft flesh – eliciting a whimper from both parties involved but only fueling my own arousal further.

As if possessed by some dark entity within me, I begin to carve words onto your back: ‘Rena’s PET’ in bold letters that stand out against your pale skin even amidst all the blood loss . By now you are weakening rapidly; eyes rolling back into head while your girl watches playing with her wet pussy and mine. She looks terrified at times yet still begs for more.

So I oblige, pressing the knife against her own skin and dragging it lightly across her stomach before writing ‘MINE’ next to your name on your back . The pain must be excruciating but she doesn’t flinch or protest. However, her pussy starts Dark fantasies



1-855-733-5753 ext. 4653

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Fantasy Young Girl At The Park

One of my dark fantasies phone sex calls that I fantasize about is really naughty and dark.  It starts like this. We spotted the young girl at the park, innocently playing on the swings. She was really small and young.  But that didn’t stop us from taking her under our control. With your muscle and my charm, it wasn’t hard to get her into our van without anyone noticing. Once she was securely bound in the back with duct tape over her mouth and blindfolded tight against any struggles or screams, you drove us away to our secret hideout where no one would ever find us.

We spent hours having our way with that poor girl; you took turns fucking every hole she had while I filmed everything on my phone for later viewing pleasure. Her cries were muffled by the gag but they still echoed through the van like haunting whispers of terror mixed with arousal. After exhausting ourselves (and her), we decided it was time for phase two – mutilation! You grabbed a sharp knife from your collection while I held onto parts of her body as if they were precious artifacts about to be destroyed forever…because soon enough they would be!

You sliced open skin carelessly as if it meant nothing; revealing tender flesh beneath which pulsated under your touch like some sick art form only understood by psychopaths such as ourselves! The smell of blood filled air became intoxicating as you carved out pieces from various places on her body – breasts first then moved down towards more intimate areas

As you worked your magic with the knife, I couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of excitement and disgust coursing through my veins. It was almost as if we were creating something beautiful out of horror in our own twisted way. Either way, when you finally finished your masterpiece laying before us – a young girl reduced to nothing more than bloody pulp and shredded flesh – it felt like an accomplishment worth celebrating!Dark Fantasies Phone Sex

Lacey Rough and Nasty Perfect Slut

1-855-733-5746 ext. 4653

Dark Fantasies With Snuff whore ALanza

Dark Fantasies Dark Fantasies With Snuff whore Alanza jacking your cock off to her dirtiest deeds! A Snuff bitch like me loves to hear your fantasies and encourages you to explore your most devilish desires! You need a sexy, yet hardcore slut that will do anything to make your darkest dreams into a spurting cum scene, come true. Here is where it gets good. A selection of young meat is waiting for you in the Semi trailer. A lot of flesh if you will. Girls who are trying to cross the border will sacrifice themselves to a white daddy very cheap.

Dark Fantasies With Snuff whore Alanza

They know there is a chance they won’t make it out of your grasp alive. But on the same slim hope they crowded into the back of an 18 wheeler they use for you. A white daddy falling in love with a pretty Hispanic girl is the stuff right out of those Mexican romance novels.

They notice you taking the best of the best to be your house maids. Only they will be cleaning your cock and I will be helping mold them into the prefect cum guzzle and ass gape queens around. But they should fear me. Because when a man calls me in, its most likely going to end in brutal punishment and pain. Hell They might even make it to the back of a meat processing truck if you need me to dispose of them proper.

Taboo Role play made your way!

Get ready to explore the darkest side of your sexual fantasies with my Taboo role play! Alanza is a edge play and rape fantasy Puta who takes it to the extremes whenever she can!


(855) 733-5746 ext 4262

Dark Fantasies : daddys darling wants step mommy dead!!!

Dark Fantasies with teens are commonplace for me. As a teen girl I often get these intrusive thoughts of murdering my own step mom. I swear I would be doing the world a favor by breaking her neck from a stair fall. dark fantasies
Lately though she has been keeping my daddy away from me. She must sense that I am her direct competition. But that is completely okay, my mom could not handle me fucking daddy so she ran off. ANd she would have freaked out to know just when he popped my cherry!

I remember the night of my dance recital so well. Yummy, daddy popping pussy open for the first time! Such hot brat memories I have of sitting on my p-daddy dick! I was such a naughty little slut back then. I’m so glad I was able to relive those memories with daddy.  He will always be my p-daddy and I will always be his lolita.

Dark Fantasies : daddys darling wants step mommy dead!!!

It must seem like such a leap of taboo role play to say I dream of hurting my step mom real bad. I have even started keeping a journal of ways I would kill the bitch. Daddys dick was my first dick and I am not ready to give him up just yet. No bitch will ever get in the way of daddy and daughter sex!

Taboo role play with Trudy!

I know what he really likes, and so what if my step mom is almost my age. It only seems better that I do her in. I would never want daddys hands dirty. The only reason his hands should be dirty is if he is fisting my pucker, or pussy!

I do all Snuff fantasy calls, so even if your looking for a victim, my cute soft voice can scream and beg.

⚠️Trudy Does all Snuff and accomplice Calls ⚠️

(855) 733-5746 ext 4967

dark fantasies snuff whore takes what she wants

As a snuff whore I am well versed in dark fantasies. I will do anything anyone wants me to do. I’m willing to explore the darkest of desires. I’m a dirty little dark whore, just waiting to be let loose. Something about me you may not know is that I get off on diving deep into festering evil minds. That is something I get when you are jacking off and letting me in.

dark fantasiesReally there is no way to escape me finding your fears, and hidden lust. How else are you going to get to jack off at what has been eating your brain? You Need to share, you need to open that darkness and have me crawl around inside! With taboo role play you become my victim.

dark fantasies snuff whore takes what she wants

Oh now your thinking how dos this dumb bitch think I am the victim. Sans my snuff victims of course! You might be the snuff and rape fantasies killer, and I just the accomplice. I assure you this puta knows that you gibe me so much detail and let me in that i give you even more fucked up fantasies in return. You get nasty and I see the side if life that I belong in.

 My life has become yours and I’m powerless to stop it. You take what you want and I’m yours to do with as you please. I can’t do anything to stop you. I bathe in your secrets, I take and make each call my own. Even when i am bleeding out from the neck and getting my just desserts, your still my putty to mold. I am in your dark mind taking what I need to become a better snuff whore. I play off your fucked up desires and let you play in a evil place for a while. No wonder your addicted the ultimate Snuff fantasy whore Alanza!

Accomplice Alanza

855-733-5746 ext 4262

Dark Fantasies Take Hunters Breath AWay

Dark fantasiesI woke up to hands around my neck and immediately felt my eyes bulge out of my head just as my nightmare dark fantasies coming to life.  My body is unable to move in any direction as I wiggle my arms, nothing.  They are strapped down tight, metal and straps make it to where I can’t even lift my forearm up.  Panic sets in as I look over to the other arm, and realize i can’t move. I see at eye level one thing and one thing only at first.

A huge half flavid cock dangled in my face. And I realize the pressure around my neck temporarily subsides.  The ball gag that my jaw clenched on removed. Slobber covers my face but no free hands to wipe it from falling. Before I even swallowed my own spit,  the cock was being shoved so far down my throat, I was almost certain I was going to be swallowing and not the liquid jizz juice that flows down your throat. A big huge cock.

He grabs a rope and ties it tight while pulling me in closer taking my breath little by little whispering in my ear while licking down my neck.  He intricately ties my tits until they are swollen and popping out, purple in fact and wraps the remaining around the back of my arms.  My cunt is dripping at this point, I love the pain and love being a little pain slut for him.  We have a lot of fun with Aphyxiation bondage type sexual fetishes since we got together and he choked me out while cumming harder than I knew I cock could cum.  I love taking it to the edge with him in our fantasies and we love getting down and dark.


Join me for your darkest of dark fantasies, nothing is off limits boys.


1-855-733-5746 ext. 4400

Taboo role play wit a twisted psycho teen

Taboo role play with a twisted lil Psychopath could not be more demented! I know you are hungry for the latest taboo snuff whore news. Now let’s see how much titillation my fingers can bring you as they move along the keyboard. My visions for you verbally can arouse your very demon whenever you call me.

Taboo role play

Let go and immerse yourself as my voice strokes your cock and open your mind, since I can arouse your soul then.

One of my friends has a fantasy where we pick him up on the side of the road pretending to be two friendly teen girls willing to give him a ride. We take him home and get him drunk and drugged. Meanwhile, he thinks he’s getting a hot threesome together. His dick is rock hard. dark fantasiesMy sexy little accomplice and I found his hard cock fucking nasty and had to get rid of it. As every other man before him, he thought he could fuck us by flashing a little panty! That fucking cock had to go. An easy removal. In the end, we wanted to show him what objectification was like. Putting a strap on his ass and dressing him up sexily.

“You’re fucked and going to die”. I scream in his face. Oh now his Screaming and moaning could be heard I have to shut him up, I thought. I’m not sure if it was over pain or pleasure. As if we cared. Teen whores Keep fucking his ass but I had an idea. I had to make him shut up because I was sick and tired of listening to his whining and moaning.

There’s nothing a pair of panties can’t fix. As he moaned, my girlfirned tightened them around his neck. Watching his face turn blue made you her wet. OMG I was so incredibly horny after he stopped breathing. I’m not sure why snuff and dark fantasies get me so wet. But my girlfriends cunt tasted so good after she rode his dead dick!

Snuff Teen Harper

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