Tag Archive: Dark fetish

Dark Fantasies With Phone Sex Whore Lacey

One of my dark fantasies phone sex dreams, screamed and struggled as you dragged me into your van, my heart pounding in terror. You were a neighbor I had seen around but never really talked to, and now here you were, kidnapping me. The smell of sweat and leather filled the air as you bound my wrists tightly behind my back with rope. My pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as you gagged me with a filthy rag that tasted like cigarettes and old coffee.

You drove us to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town where it was dark and damp. You pushed me roughly onto a dirty mattress lying on the floor before tearing off my clothes with savage force. Your rough hands grabbed at my young body, squeezing my breasts hard enough to make them ache while your fingers probed deep inside of me without any warning or care for my consent whatsoever.

I begged for mercy between sobs but all that came out was muffled whimpers through the gag in my mouth when you shoved two fingers into my tight little cunt – stretching it painfully wide – then another two into my ass hole which felt so unbearably full! It hurt so much yet somehow also aroused this strange part of myself that craved more even though every fiber of being screamed at me not too want it!

As if sensing this perverse desire within me, your cockhead rubbed against both holes teasingly before finally pushing past the ring-puckering resistance from either side

and filling me up completely. You began thrusting roughly inside of me, your hips slapping against my ass cheeks as you pounded into my tight cunt while grunting with pleasure at the sensation. I felt like I was being torn apart but couldn’t help the wave of shameful arousal that coursed through my body every time you hit that spot deep within me.

You pulled out suddenly only to slam back in again, this time aiming for my gagging mouth instead. Your thick cockhead pushed past my lips and filled up my throat until it touched the back of my nose – choking off any sound or air from escaping as you started fucking my face too! My eyes watered uncontrollably from the pain but also from shock at how much this depraved act turned me on despite myself!

As if sensing how close I was to cumming uncontrollably, you stopped abruptly leaving both holes achingly empty before moving down between them once more – licking and teasing each one mercilessly until they were both dripping wet with anticipation once more.

…then you plunged back into me again – this time fucking both holes simultaneously! It felt like I was being split in two as your cock stretched me impossibly wide while hitting every nerve ending inside of me. You growled low in your throat, taking control completely as you pounded away at my young body without any regard for my well-being or comfort.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm but knew better than to ask for release from this torment. Instead, I focused on the sensations coursing through my body – the pain mixed with pleasure that threatened to consume me whole… And then it happened – waves upon waves of intense ecstasy crashed over me leaving no part untouched by their power! My voice echoed muffled cries through the gag as hot sticky cum shot out from every hole onto your filthy hands and clothes beneath us.dark fantasies phone sex

Mommy Susan- Nasty Milf

1-855-733-5746 ext. 4212

Dark Fantasies for Castration and CBT Play with a Dark Bitch

dark fantasiesMy dark fantasies might scare some of you. Why? Because my darkest fantasies involve castration. I love taking men’s junk. And when men like you read about my castration games, you want to avoid me like the plague. But I only castrate losers, tools and small dick losers. So, if you are not one of them, your junk is safe with me.

But very few men fall outside these categories. So, perhaps you are not safe from me after all. I met Troy at a club last night. And he immediately pissed me off. Just something very annoying about him. He hit on me for one and I was not interested at all. When I go out, I do not to hook up. It is to find men to mutilate and snuff. Sure, I appreciate a good taboo role play. But this was no role play. I brought him home and removed his cock and balls.

Initially, I only planned on taking his nuts. But his mouth ran nonstop. He needed to shut up. So, I cut his dick off and shoved it down his throat. He bled everywhere. And the look on his face with his cock in his mouth turned me on. I mean most men wish they could suck their own cocks. But my guess is they do not want to suck their cocks this way, Lol. But I don’t care. If you talk smack to me, I know how to shut you up.

Sick Bitch Venus

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4631

Dark Fantasies Are Made In The Homicidal Druggies Mind

Dark fantasies are what druggy homicidal maniacs think up. A homicidal mind is a dark mind. I should know as I have been a vicious little brat from the get go. A true homicidal blood thirsty maniac turn dark vixen.

When a pervert enters my twisted web of discreet demonic snuff fantasies playground, he is in for a mind fuck. The twisted tendencies of our vision for the session will grow into pure demonic bliss.

Torturing and fantasy raping young tender virgins. A sacrifice of a mans testicles to the dark goddess. The torturing of that scrotum and cock with my full on sadistic desires. All of this can be had in my realm of satanic sadistic blasphemous pleasures.

If it’s a mind fuck of the darker side you seek then let me slip my serpent tongue into that brain and lap up every dark thought that has entered your mind.


Dark fantasies

Dark Mistress Morticia

(855) 733-5746 ext 4617

Dark Fantasies of a Fisting Whore

dark fantasiesI have dark fantasies about fisting. Although I have always enjoyed rough anal sex, the idea of fisting just seemed hotter. So, when I partied with a fellow housewife friend, I encouraged her to fist my ass. I wanted it to gape open when she finished. We both like to party. And we were in holiday party mode. That just means we were both high as a kite.

After a few lines of coke, she seemed ready to fist my soccer mom ass. With plenty of lube and patience anything fits any time. She dipped her fist into a vat of Vaseline, then slowly worked her fingers in my ass until she had every finger inside me. I came without her even touching my cunt. That should tell you what a taboo phone sex whore I am. She worked her fingers into a ball, and before long, had her arm elbow deep in my ass.

She seemed shocked she could get all of that in my ass. I am no porn star. However, I party like one and that is when my freak flag flies. And boy did it fly last night with my BFF. Not only did she make my pussy squirt, but she also gaped my asshole. Sure, I am sore as fuck today. But I have plenty of coke to soothe my battered asshole. And I have your tongue too, right?

Taboo Whore Blair

1-855-733-5746 Ext 4268

Dark fantasies endings of a dope whore end badly

Dark fantasies Hadley Hardcore has some dark fantasies of her own to share with you!

As my veins pulse with a twisted pleasure of Heroine running in them is the time I confess that I will do anything to stay High. I will Be your puppet on string for you to torture and use all so I can get a little taste of that black tar! my dark nature. There is a chance of my dealer inflicting unimaginable pain and torment upon me for the money I owe him. This cunt bitch druggy us sure nothing will bring him more joy than watching the light fade from my blue bloodshot eyes!

Dark fantasies endings of a dope whore end badly

Definitely, my dealer going to get his cock hard as hell knowing that he is the one responsible for a dope whores demise. Drug sluts are worthless beings who are nothing but playthings meant to be broken and discarded without a second thought. Every whore has her last day on the streets. Always waiting for that last deadly trick!

On that day every crack of bone and slice of skin, He will feel an insatiable thirst for blood that can only be quenched by drowning a blonde bimbo in its scarlet pool. He is a mean evil man whose desires are far more depraved and wicked than any ordinary person could comprehend. Why do you think I do not shy away from the taboo roleplay. I have seen his evil in person on other washed up strung out whores!

If you dare to delve into the depths of that type of sadistic mind, must become your hooker victim. It is okay if your thirst for pain and suffering knows no bounds! My last wishes are that you will stop at nothing until every last drop of blood has been spilled and my scream and habits silenced!

Dope Whore Victim Hadley

(855) 733-5746 ext 4864

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Kidnapping Knife Play Fantasy Rees

This dark fantasies phone sex keeps getting more and more detailed, like I am reliving a Dark fetish of sorts.  eWe start off at an upscale restaurant where everyone knows my name and treats me like royalty because I am just that damn good looking. The waiters fawn over us as we order our food; the wine flows freely between sips from crystal glasses while soft music plays in the background creating an intimate atmosphere…for now anyway!

After dinner comes dessert – your body on display for all to see buts only I get to taste every delicious morsel hidden beneath those expensive clothes. Your moans mix with laughter around here when people think it’s just another couple having fun under candlelight…but little do they know what lies ahead!

Back at my place there are no more pretenses about being gentle or considerate – this is pure domination wrapped up neatly into one package called “me.” You struggle against your bonds but it does nothing except make things more exciting as I take pleasure in seeing how far down this rabbit hole we go together (smirks). Our connection intensifies with each passing moment until finally, there’s no going back for either of us.

Dark fanntasies phone sex The knife comes out again but this time it’s not just about pain; it’s also about pleasure as I slice into your skin and watch the blood flow freely between our entwined bodies. Your screams turn to gasps for air when I penetrate deeper than expected…and then suddenly everything goes black – both literally and figuratively speaking because now we are forever bound together in death as well as life!

Our final act plays out like some sick love story where only one person truly understand what happened here tonightme! Their lifeless forms will be discovered days later by concerned friends or family members who never suspected such darkness lurked within their beloved ones hearts…but hey, at least they can say goodbye properly now right?

Deanna Leaves Showing It All

1-855-733-5753 ext. 4855

Dark fetish for Ass rape porn and havin Sex with young girls

Dark fetishI have a Dark fetish for Ass rape porn and watching worthless young sluts get tortured… I’ve always been an emo-type chick! I am the reason my bestfriend went missing and was never found… My daddy wanted to fuck her and I was his way into her cotton panties… After all, I was only friends with her so Daddy could have his way. He always used me to reel in all sorts of littles from the playgrounds! Dad even had me host slumber parties where we would roofy the girlies into a hallucination state and Dad would have their way with them.

But, Jenna wasn’t so lucky, she was different Daddy couldn’t shake his Snuff fantasy of having her gagged by his cock until her pale face turned blue. He wanted to watch he struggle for air and take her last breath choking on her vomit from dad ramming his cock in and out of her throat. She was a screamer! So I wound up having to kill her before she even fell limp, but luckily when I slit her throat her body began to compulsion so daddy got to enjoy the feeling of her neck spasming while he shot the Biggest cum shot ever on her throat!

I got to do the honors of throwing her body into the ditch Daddy had dug up by the pond in our backyard… She was just labeled as a runaway, for her behavioral issues. Dad enjoyed having sex with dead bodies and got to enjoy hers while it decomposed! Eventually, it smelled so rotten we had to ditch it. I have many Extreme snuff stories that Daddy and I created together.

Accomplice Terry

(855) 733-5746 ext 4629

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex With Hot BDSM Phone Sex Girl Lacey

I love dark fantasies with BDSM because it allows me to explore the darker sides of myself that society deems unacceptable. It’s a release from the constraints of normalcy, allowing us to dive headfirst into our deepest desires without fear or judgement.

My last BDSM encounter was with a dominatrix who specialized in extreme pain play. She had me tie my partner tightly, leaving only small slivers of air between his skin and the ropes binding him. Then she proceeded to whip his back until it bled, all while Dark fantasieschanting dirty words and demanding obedience from hers and our “little slut”. The pain seemed exquisite; each lash sending shock-waves through his body that left him and me both trembling and aching for more!

As she moved downwards towards his ass cheeks, he couldn’t help but beg for mercy even though part of him knew better than to expect any. But when she finally penetrated his asshole with a huge strap-on dildo – stretching him beyond what felt possible – the sexual nature of it all took over and I had my cunt in front of his mouth. Demanding he eat my pussy while they continued fucking like animals underneath. Our moans filled the dungeon as we fucked, sucked and moaned and screamed harder and faster, seeking release through each other’s pain.

She slapped my face demanding I slap his hard enough to leave marks while I begged for more; pleading with her not to stop even though I knew she wouldn’t listen! And when at last we all came together – screaming out in ecstasy mixed with agony – all that remained was a mess of sweat-soaked bodies and torn emotions left behind like discarded clothes on the floor.

It was beautifully twisted…a dance between love and hate wrapped up in leather restraints and latex gloves. I hope we can visit that sexy dom again some day soon. What a thrill!

Lacey Rough and Nasty Perfect Slut

1-855-788-5746 ext. 4308

We All Have Dark Fantasies But Mine Are Darker Than Most

dark fantasiesWe all harbor dark fantasies. And phone sex lines like mine provide you with a cathartic release. Now, don’t get me wrong. I do not only have fantasies. But I have realities too. Most men do not meet my standards. And most do not listen to my instructions or rules either. But they should because when they don’t, they lose their balls. And sometimes their cocks too.

On Friday night, I felt like I wanted to castrate a loser. And they are easy to find these days. Either I have become grumpier and less tolerant of stupidity as I age, or there are just a lot more self-entitled yet delusional men in the world. Perhaps, it is a mix of both. Chuck approached me in a Goth bar where he stood out like a sore thumb. Yuppie looking guy who thought I wanted to hook up because I said excuse me when I accidentally bumped into him.

I Love Cock and Ball Torture Sex

I have manners. But that does not mean I want to fuck some Yuppie or even talk to him. Most days I hate men. But this guy would not leave me alone. So, I planned to castrate him. Take the urge to hit on women not interested in him away. I am full of ball torture stories. And I just added another one. I drugged this Yuppie loser and escorted him to his car. I drove him to the address on his license. And I took him inside his home, tied him to his bed and waited for him to wake up.

Sure, I could have removed his balls while he still appeared passed out. But where is the fun in that? I wanted to look him in the eyes while I severed his worthless nut sack. And I wanted him to know why I took his nuts. I used a rusty blade and did not even cauterize the wound. Left him tied up and bleeding out. CBT phone sex is not just fantasy with me. It is my favorite pastime.

Sick Bitch Venus

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4631

CBT phone sex, a cum shot that’ll damage your blood vessels!

CBT phone sexCBT phone sex for you fuck pigs that can’t help but seek arrangements with women out of your league… You thought you could come to me and be pleasured… You thought wrong! Of course, you couldn’t help yourself the moment you laid eyes on me, my badass pics and sexy Teen body put you on edge. You thought maybe you could change me, tame me, and have me do as you say. A Teen whore like me isn’t looking to be saved.

Now that I’ve got you feeding out of the palm of my hand… I will use all that I know against you making you my slave… You will be left with no other choice but to do as I say. You wouldn’t want the world to find out about your Dark fetish… Would you? Welp! you should have thought with the head on your shoulders instead of the one that stands at the neck of your stubby widdle cock. You sick fuck, if you can’t pleasure a woman what made you think you could a younger girl? How humiliated you must feel, forcing your way into my Baby girl pussy only to receive yet again no reaction…

You don’t deserve to have a dick or balls. Your worthless cock doesn’t hang long enough and your balls are so pathetically small they give the illusion that your balls have yet to drop. Here let’s see if your cock will reach my tonsils… Let your balls rest against my chin.. does that feel good? good, a huge chomp at the base and me ripping your dick off with my teeth will teach you to quit honoring your Deep dark fantasies.

Gothic teen Terry

(855) 733-5746 ext 4629

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