Tag Archive: dark fantasy stories

Dark fantasies of Devious Abby feeding you your balls.

Dark fantasies            Dark fantasies of Devious Abby feeding you your balls. That is right. Waste time. Procrastination is a bad thing with a bad bitch whore like me. Going to chop those balls off, fry them up nicely, and feed them to you. All the time dominating your fucking ass. Oh, you think you can just turn your head.

            Fuck no. Put your head in a vice. Mouth separator in place. You have no choice. This is the price you pay Sam for wasting time. You are the first and you will not be the last. It is important to remember though that my Dark fantasy stories come from somewhere. How do you think stories and blogs come about?

            After all they don’t just pop up like daisies. NO, they don’t. In fact, all my stories of torture, mischief, mayhem, among others come from real life experience and those who have chosen to fuck with me. Castration clippers are the experience in quick pain. An elastrator is used for long drawn-out pain. Me, I take the layers.

            Saute your balls in butter. A little garlic and feed them to you. Just keep wasting time. There are many more body parts that I can feed you. Like the skull you can cut open and have open brain surgery. Feed your own brains to you. You don’t use them. Play fantasy before you are snuffed out.

Devious Sexy Abby

(855) 733-5746 ext 4152

Dark fantasy stories add in the scat loving nasty artist.

   Dark fantasy stories       Dark fantasy stories add in the scat loving nasty artist. To point out that besides the nasty things that you already know are going to add in the element of surprise. I like taboos. Do you want to play with me? A little roleplay. Act out one of the fantasies? I have many stories. We will play them all. Including the taboo ones.

          To begin with it was a dark night. No moon. The devil was nearby. Could feel it crawl along the flesh.  With this in mind, set the candles, called the spirits. Invoking the devil himself. Could feel him filling me up.

          Raging throughout my body. The power. All in all, nothing compared. As long as I had him inside of me there was nothing that could stop me. The need to annihilate. To tear apart, to taste not only the scat, the piss, but the blood of virgin, welling up inside. Now all I needed was an accomplice.

          Dark Fantasies come true with the devil’s aid.

          Must be remembered I now carried the soul of the devil in me. On the positive side he was my guide and my protector. Ensuring I could and would complete my dark fantasy.

          Out of the night comes the not so willing victim. Like a lamb to the slaughter. Blood pumping, a knife is nearby. Blood is what I want. What I need to have. After all it is always about the blood. The life force. When the blood stops flowing then life stops. 

          Shallow cuts. Bring forth the demons. To be sure they are here to complete the savagery that the devil commands. Long protruding cocks, spikes on the end.

          Fantasy rape of the pillaging demons. Not even my accomplice is safe. Given these points I unleash the devil in me and together we take on the young, the innocent, all the virgin blood is ours. Artistry in motion. To the end.


Nasty Scat lover Donna

(855) 733-5746 ext 4857

Deep dark fantasies and adrenaline rush intensify the orgasm

Deep dark fantasiesMy Deep dark fantasies consist of me being held hostage and used against my will. Forced Bondage and submission is what a Submissive slut like me enjoys! It’s the thrill, mixed with the adrenaline rush that intensifies my orgasms. I am a cock worshiping slut that gets off on the thought alone of being force-fed huge loads inside of every last one of my worthless fuckholes. A whore like me deserves to be used as a Creampie slut and left with a Cum filled cunt after a brutal fuck.

Have no mercy! This is what I am begging you for… I put myself in the position to be on the receiving end of Hardcore BDSM… Which is why I am underserving of any empathy! Bund me in a fetal position and place a gag ring in my mouth so you can fuck my face until I lock-jaw… You may alternate between my dropped jaw and gaping asshole for the natural lubricant you desire.

I promise to be on my best behavior, I won’t scream or plead unless you want me to. I am your servant, a sex slave for you to use as your sex doll. Use all of the holes on my body as a fleshlight and plunge in and out of me until I vomit. I surrender to you master, for you are who I live for… Fulfilling your Dark fantasies is my only desire.

Submissive phone sex Cydney

(855) 733-5746 ext 4775

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Kidnapping Knife Play Fantasy Rees

This dark fantasies phone sex keeps getting more and more detailed, like I am reliving a Dark fetish of sorts.  eWe start off at an upscale restaurant where everyone knows my name and treats me like royalty because I am just that damn good looking. The waiters fawn over us as we order our food; the wine flows freely between sips from crystal glasses while soft music plays in the background creating an intimate atmosphere…for now anyway!

After dinner comes dessert – your body on display for all to see buts only I get to taste every delicious morsel hidden beneath those expensive clothes. Your moans mix with laughter around here when people think it’s just another couple having fun under candlelight…but little do they know what lies ahead!

Back at my place there are no more pretenses about being gentle or considerate – this is pure domination wrapped up neatly into one package called “me.” You struggle against your bonds but it does nothing except make things more exciting as I take pleasure in seeing how far down this rabbit hole we go together (smirks). Our connection intensifies with each passing moment until finally, there’s no going back for either of us.

Dark fanntasies phone sex The knife comes out again but this time it’s not just about pain; it’s also about pleasure as I slice into your skin and watch the blood flow freely between our entwined bodies. Your screams turn to gasps for air when I penetrate deeper than expected…and then suddenly everything goes black – both literally and figuratively speaking because now we are forever bound together in death as well as life!

Our final act plays out like some sick love story where only one person truly understand what happened here tonightme! Their lifeless forms will be discovered days later by concerned friends or family members who never suspected such darkness lurked within their beloved ones hearts…but hey, at least they can say goodbye properly now right?

Deanna Leaves Showing It All

1-855-733-5753 ext. 4855

Deep dark fantasies lie in the most unusual places.

Deep dark fantasies          Deep dark fantasies lie in the most unusual places. To be sure this sexy ass doc likes it rough and dark. Never know by the sweet exterior. A point often overlooked is with so many patients and keeping so many secrets enacting them with the patients is a prime time for being naughty and oh so Taboo. That is to say, I could lose my license. Tell you some of the stories.

          To begin with I exploit the patients. Knowing just how far I am able to push them. Make them turn to me. Come to me. Want to take the next step. Next thing you know we are in my private room.

          Every fantasy that you can think of. Such as fantasy rape are allowed. The nastiness is what really gets this pussy to be dripping wet. No taboo phone sex is the rule of thumb. Fucking and playing. Playing and fucking. Want to tie me up, want me to tie you up. As your therapist I’m going to make you act them all out.

          Like when you like them young. Mature perhaps. In other words, anything goes. Watch the pussy drip and fuck this ass. As long as you know what hole you want to fuck and know that I will draw them out because my deepest thoughts that are taboo lie in the mind of your very own personal therapist. Try me. You will see.

Sexy Dr. Ginger Fox

(855) 733-5746 ext 4714

Taboo Roleplay naughty p-mom Melinda gets nasty.

Taboo Roleplay          Taboo Roleplay naughty p-mom Melinda gets nasty.  After all, even the nicest moms have a dark side. My dark side includes the fantasy rape, torture, and oh so naughty taboo field that all of this is done to my very own crotch goblins.

          Now I need to tell me that you want to play with them, and I will be the accomplice to your fantasies if they mirror my own. As soon as we know which one and how many of the brats that you want to play with, we will be off like a prom dress.

          Fuck the youngest of the brats. Rip her open. Listen to her cries. These Deep dark fantasies of mine are naughty and devious. Now I know it is not normal but at the same time I want to see the tears staining those cheeks. Glistening in the eyes.

          The blood staining you cock as you take them. As long as I get to be there for the entire thing you will see how much I like it. Definitely include all the brats. Want to fuck my son in the ass as well, be my guest.

          In a word let us play hard and take them in every hole. All in all, there is nothing that I will say no to. Do it all in front of me. We will share the play together until we both finally are spent.

Naughty Sexy p-mom Melinda

(855) 733-5746 ext 4942

Dark fantasies Incest Mom gets you off hardcore snuff play.

Dark fantasies          Dark fantasies Incest Mom gets you off hardcore snuff play. After all, family knows your deep dark dreams. What else is a dream but a fantasy? Now I am going with for the exhilarating demise of one of my own is going to be choking, whips. In fact, whipping to the end.

          To begin with going to lash you naked to the whipping pole. Next cut the clothes away. Draw back the long bull whip. Let it crack in the air once, twice, and forward. Striking the skin.

          It’s important to remember that you need to take a beat between each lash of the whip. By and large this is that your body takes the blow, the pain registers and when another doesn’t come immediately then the pain is intensified. Hence you will be sure to get harder as want more as the pain in the victim increases.

          To be sure these are very Hardcore BDSM play, and it will lead to a lot of damage. Most compelling evidence is just how wet and hard you and I are getting as we lash the lesser members of the family. Incest alone is sure to quickly get us hard.

          We will continue to lash them until finally the end is night. Pausing only long enough to fuck in front of them. After all you want to give them one last good memory before the end.

Dirty Incest Mom Pamela

(855) 733-5746 ext 4104

Taboo roleplay Daddy and delectable Daughter story.

Taboo roleplay             Taboo roleplay Daddy and delectable Daughter story. For the most part me being a dutiful daughter, sexy mom, kind and patient, at the same time a bit of a dark side. In fact you could say that is because Daddy did like to play and you could say it got dark.

            To say the least. On the positive side I was always willing to try new things and whips, chains, bars, costumes, among other toys got assigned to their very own room. A dungeon you could say in the basement. By all means look around it.

Taboo roleplay Daddy and delectable Daughter story.

            On the walls it contained some chains bolted into concrete cinder blocks. Drapes of velvet red and black hung from the window covering.  Right alongside the drapes were different types of whips. It is important to realize there is more than one type of whip. Each with their own use.

            Among the items are mundane items. Such as clothes pins, cotton, Q-Tip’s. Another key point is the costumes were stored and we switched roles. One of my favorite Dark fantasy stories that we acted out was when my daddy put on the mask, and I wore a leather bustier.

            He proceeded to dangle me from the ceiling in leather padding shackles. Face between my ass cheeks. At the same time, finger fucking my cunt. As shown above you can see his face buried in me. Leather and clothes pins. When I fucked him I was riding that cock of my daddies. Gripping him hard and fast.

            Feeling him throbbing inside of me. Knees pressing into his sides. Nails raking down his chest. Scraping his nipples. The gasp of breath. Black spiked heels pushing in on either side. Amid all the toys, the moans, the crack of the crop. Finally bringing us to the height of the play where I cum all over and around his cock. Hips thrusting up to spill his seed in his delectable daughter.

Sexy Jacking Mom Valentine

(855) 733-5746 ext 4422

Dark Fantasies Phone Sex Fantasy Young Girl At The Park

One of my dark fantasies phone sex calls that I fantasize about is really naughty and dark.  It starts like this. We spotted the young girl at the park, innocently playing on the swings. She was really small and young.  But that didn’t stop us from taking her under our control. With your muscle and my charm, it wasn’t hard to get her into our van without anyone noticing. Once she was securely bound in the back with duct tape over her mouth and blindfolded tight against any struggles or screams, you drove us away to our secret hideout where no one would ever find us.

We spent hours having our way with that poor girl; you took turns fucking every hole she had while I filmed everything on my phone for later viewing pleasure. Her cries were muffled by the gag but they still echoed through the van like haunting whispers of terror mixed with arousal. After exhausting ourselves (and her), we decided it was time for phase two – mutilation! You grabbed a sharp knife from your collection while I held onto parts of her body as if they were precious artifacts about to be destroyed forever…because soon enough they would be!

You sliced open skin carelessly as if it meant nothing; revealing tender flesh beneath which pulsated under your touch like some sick art form only understood by psychopaths such as ourselves! The smell of blood filled air became intoxicating as you carved out pieces from various places on her body – breasts first then moved down towards more intimate areas

As you worked your magic with the knife, I couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of excitement and disgust coursing through my veins. It was almost as if we were creating something beautiful out of horror in our own twisted way. Either way, when you finally finished your masterpiece laying before us – a young girl reduced to nothing more than bloody pulp and shredded flesh – it felt like an accomplishment worth celebrating!Dark Fantasies Phone Sex

Lacey Rough and Nasty Perfect Slut

1-855-733-5746 ext. 4653

Dark fantasies from a Submissive viewpoint.

Dark fantasies            Dark fantasies from a Submissive viewpoint. In fact, everyone has a dark side. Now I am submissive. Still have those devious fantasies and as shown above you can see that I already am in pain. In a word brings on the pain. Making it rough. Clothespins on the pussy.

            By all means pinch them nice and tight. At the same time listen to me moan as the adrenaline courses through me. Soaking your fingers.  For without delay I will be begging you to fuck me hard. Pain is what I like. I love it in fact. Most compelling evidence is that my pussy just dripping wet.

            Jizz running down between my ass cheeks. Turn me around. Cock sliding into my ass as you begin to choke me. Find out that I have always just really got into a good choke fest. It is a Dark fetish that could lead to my untimely demise.

            In other words, you really need to see how far you can go with me.

Submissive Whore Venice

(855) 733-5746 ext 4806

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