

Dark Fantasies for A Mean Old Man Like My Daddy

dark fantasiesAs a submissive whore I have many dark fantasies. Plus, I will do anything you tell me. I do anything any man tells me. Perhaps, I am old fashioned. Although I have never believed in women’s liberation. My mother waited on my father hand and foot. My mom appeared to be the typical 50s housewife in the post woman’s lib era of the 80s. She had a beer and his slippers ready for him the moment he came home from work. She served him dinner promptly at 6 pm every night. And she did all the housework too. No job for my mom. She seemed to enjoy being a housewife.

But when my old-fashioned mother left my daddy for another man, guess who he replaced her with? Yes, me. I took care of his every need like she did even though I was a young schoolgirl still. When daddy would come home from work, I greeted him on all fours with his slippers in my mouth and his beer bottle in my hand. As I got older, he used my ass to remove the bottle cap. Even though it hurt, I smiled because it brought him pleasure to hurt my ass. He never went easy or gentle on me just because I was young and his daughter.

I Need Men To Treat Me Like a Dirty Subby Whore

Eventually, I ran away from my abusive daddy. But I just found someone worse than he was, and I married him. Now, I am in my 40s, divorced with two teenagers and a much older man is my master. I am his submissive whore now. My life has been dedicated to serving older men. And that is not a complaint. I would not change any of it. I just sometimes wish my master treated me like my daddy and my ex-husband did. Although master loves his taboo phone whore, he never gets too brutal with me. And I crave pain beyond what I can handle.

Somehow, I bet you could cater to my dark needs for violence and pain, right? Think you could hurt me and break me like my daddy did once upon a time?

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