I had a little treat yesterday, he was very small, young and delicious. My friend wanted to see me torture his little cock and teeny little balls until his fragile little body couldn’t take it any more. I usually only get to play with girls so this was definitely a welcome change for me… but also a challenge. I wanted to be creative and really make the pain last as long as possible, just thinking of all the delicious ways I could hurt him was making me wet as fuck! First I stripped him and tied him down, then I wrapped a rubber band around his lil balls and paddled them until they were nice and swollen. He was screaming and crying and the fun was only just beginning! Instead of using nice sharp needles to push thru his lil ballsack, I used toothpicks instead… they broke and splintered in his skin and caused him to scream and beg me to stop. There was no stopping me tho, I was having too much fun, by the time I was thru with him I had his dick and balls cut wide open and he was bleeding freely… I could see the life draining out of him. I was so excited that I had to grind my pussy against his little dying face, the last thing he tasted in this life was my pussy!