

She had dark fantasies too

dark fantasiesI am not the kind of person that enjoys the company of little brats but it turns out that my niece has dark fantasies too. She is a little psychopath,and I love it! She has killed many small creatures and she is always torturing her little brother and my poor sister is out of her mind with worry. I told her that I would take the little girl on, let her live with me for a while and see how I can “fix” her. I played it up as a way to keep her little brother safe and they ate it right up.Once they had tearfully said their goodbyes to her I sat her down and told her that I wasn’t going to keep her from killing anything and offered to let her pick her new victim. I expected that she would pick some kind of animal but she surprised me and said that she would love to find a little baby to kill. I swear my cold dead heart filled with love for her in that moment and I promised to get her a baby asap. I found a sweet little thing the next day and brought her down to my torture chamber and my niece was so happy! She took her time and tortured that baby to death and I have never been so proud of anyone!

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