

My Dark Fantaies Made Me Do It

dark fantasiesMy dark fantasies drive me to action. I hunt the streets every night, my mouth thirsty for a taste of fresh blood, and my cunt dripping for the thrill of it all. I love strangulation, beating, drowning, and blunt force trauma. But my favorite way to kill is the one that gets me the wettest is cutting them into tiny pieces, and feeding them to the koi down at the rose garden.
Everyone wonders why the fish got so big. Well, it happens to be the fact I feed them little bite sized bits of bastards and bitches. I love getting them to go on dates, wanting to fuck my hot body. And then, I slide out my blade.
Whether it’s fast or slow, I love doing it. Their screams, begging for mercy, then life, then death always drive me wild. It’s like true music to my ears, to my heart, to my cunt. I always save some blood to use as lube when I masturbate myself after feeding my pathetic victims to the koi. Come and hunt tonight; I’m hungry.

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