

I have very dark fantasies

dark fantasiesI have very dark fantasies so it’s rare to find someone that genuinely enjoys exploring that with me. Guys will say that they like the same kind of shit that I do but totally turn into a complete pussy at the first sight of blood. I went out with a guy like that last night, he said that he liked to play rough. He said that he had attacked women before and that he wouldn’t take no for an answer even if they fought back so I thought he would be fun. I brought a little whore with me, she was a freshman in college and very drunk so easy pickings, he was happy with my choice but when it came time to hurt the bitch he got all squeamish like a little bitch. He helped me strip her and was eager to fuck her pussy but when she started crying he got limp, can you believe that shit? I had a crying whore and a little bitch boy on my hands and I was pissed. I wanted him to be rough, beat her, cut her, fuck her up! Not lose his fucking hard on when the bitch cried a little! I was so pissed that I just pulled out my knife and slit both of their throats, I wasn’t even in the mood to draw it out after his bullshit. I need a real man to go hunting with, one that will be up for all the fucked up shit I wanna do to dumb ass little whores. A real alpha dog with a big dick and a badass attitude, is that you?

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