

Dark fantasies of snuffing out my young one

dark fantasiesDark fantasies have been swirling through my fucked up brain about how badly I would love to snuff out my youngster. She’s so young and unaware of what the fuck is going on, I swear it would be so easy to just grab her by the fucking neck while your cock is shove down her throat and squeeze tightly so that I broke her fragile little neck bones. I can hear and feel the snap of her neck and the disgusting gargling noises that she makes as she begins to lose every ounce of life that was within her. It honestly is such a thrill to witness her soul leave her body as she wilts away with a throbbing dick deep down her fuck hole. Getting her mouth totally force fucked has always been a daily activity for her but the time has finally come where she must now meet her demise. She is disposable trash to me and she has served her purpose. I no longer need her whatsoever for anything! I am gonna show her how fucking used up and worthless she is while we have filthy taboo role play.

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