

Dark Fantasies of Daddy

dark fantasiesI have lots of dark fantasies. Some men are better at finding them than others.  I ran away from home when I was a teen girl. My father terrified me. I have not seen him in 20 years. In fact, I have no clue if he is dead or alive. I made the mistake of telling this guy that my biggest fantasy and my biggest fear are one in the same. My fantasy is my dad is still alive and would find me and fuck me like he did when I was just a wee little girl. It is my biggest fear also because my dad is a violent psychopath. Patrick took a few drunken utterances from me and found my father. He told him where I lived. My father was not happy to see me. He was still pissed I ran away when I was a teen girl because I was his cash cow, his fuck slave and his punching bag. I was scared and aroused at the same time. Patrick watched and laughed as daddy forced himself on me like he did so many years ago. Now I have to decide if I am going to be daddy’s whore again or pack up and move again. Be careful who you tell your deep dark fantasies to.

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