Category Archive: Taboo phone girls

Dark Fantasies Make Me Your Perfect Accomplice

dark fantasiesI have dark fantasies. And they run from being the victim to being the accomplice. Perhaps, my violent upbringing contributes to the way I feel. When I was a little girl daddy fucked me daily. Often many times a day. When I became a teen girl, he let his friends use me too. But when I could get pregnant, they turned me into an anal whore.

I ran away from home but eventually found my way into underground porn. I did hardcore anal porn, bondage porn too. However, I started to get older, and more dominant. So, I started doing a lot of accomplice stuff. And I think I enjoy helping men like you with your rape phone sex fantasies for young girls and boys the most.

I Enjoy Being Your Partner in Crime

The world I live in is survival of the fittest. So, if some young girl cannot handle what I give her, it is not my fault. Same for boys. Recently, I helped a man fuck the neighbor boy. Cute blonde boy. And from behind, you cannot really tell if he was a boy or a girl. A boy ass fucks just like a girl ass. Plus, boys have big clits, LOL. This man just wanted to sink his cock inside his tight butthole, so I helped him. Made it happen.

I kidnapped the boy, blindfolded him. Even drugged him to placate him. A little molly or oxy makes a victim relaxed and takes that fight out of them. As the accomplice, I subdued the target, lubed up his asshole and guided his cock inside that tight little hole. The boy never even screamed. But according to my client, nothing had ever been up that asshole before. And he could feel it on his cock.

I love a hot taboo role play. So, if you want to fuck a young tight hole, I want to make that happen for you. It’s great to be your partner in crime.

Phone Whore Cassandra

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4276

Taboo role play

Taboo role play for our Dark Lord soaks me! When my pussy is soaking wet like that it can take any fucking dick. I want a demonic monster cock inside me. We will take a sacrifice and with her blood Master, a demon can enter through your cock hole. The beast will take over and the power you will make your cock blazing hard.

Thrust it into my pussy, let the best take over. I want you to destroy my pussy for Satan. Give me that demonic cum and I will load a slut army for Satan. By fucking like filthy animals we will kill God and take over the world with our cum slut zombies.

Hail Satan, he is our true God and may your Dark fetish cock thrust into me and shoot demon sperm deep into my whorish womb. I fully give myself over and submit to the Dark Lord. I will push out as many demonic sluts to worship your cock and of course Satan’s.

Taboo role play


(855) 733-5746 ext 4649

Dark Fantasies for a Violent Home Invasion Arouse Me

dark fantasiesMy dark fantasies run deep. My favorite fantasies involve a violent home invasion. I love the idea of some one breaking into my place and forcing my sons to watch them force fuck me. Sick, I know. But I am a druggy whore with dark desires. The coke brings out my submissive and dark side. Sometimes, when I get high, my mouth blabbers on. And the next thing I know, I told the wrong person my fantasies.

Over the weekend, I partied with this new guy I met. He had some of that pink cocaine everyone talks about. And I felt curious to try it. Boy is that shit good. But it serves as sort of a truth serum too. Apparently, I told him about my deep dark fantasies and the next day someone broke into my bedroom as I slept.

I Need to Be Careful Who I Tell My Secrets To

I woke up to a knife to my throat. But it took me a while to realize this was probably the guy, I partied with over the weekend. However, I could not be sure because my assailant wore a ski mask. He dragged me out of bed by my red hair and tied me up. While tied up, he went to get my boys. He made them watch as he ripped my clothes off.

He encouraged my sons to masturbate as they watched him force fuck their mother. My attacker got off on having my sons as his accomplice. They eventually ganged up on me and took turns playing musical holes with my pussy and ass. He had my boys calling me all sorts of names. When he started fisting me, I knew I was in trouble. He got my boys to fist me too. I begged for them to stop. But the more I begged, the rougher they got with my fuck holes.

By the time they finished fisting me, I had swollen and gaped holes. I need to be careful who I tell about my taboo role play. Some sick men out there want to turn them into my worst nightmare.

Taboo Mommy Blair

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4268

Dark fantasies are what all pervy guys have and I use

I know I shouldn’t have been so free around my neighbor’s dad. Because he has Dark fantasies for young slurs. Using their little bald holes to milk you and get your filthy desires it what you’ll do anything for. So, when you dropped us off, you snuck around to find me. You knew I was different and would drift off.  you caught me alone, masked with a knife. I was so scared until you spoke. Then I knew it was my neighbor’s dad.

Dark fantasies

Just like every nasty pcock, you wanted to force yourself inside me. I learned if I let you, I would be on and get what I wanted. Therefore, I let you force me open. You rammed your cock inside my young bald cunt, while holding me down behind the bushes with the knife. You forced yourself so deep inside me, that cried out hard. But you didn’t stop, and no one could hear me. All you could picture is fucking your young brat. That is why you went so hard and deep.

Finally, you filled me up like you needed to and right before your daughter found us. That’s the best part of Taboo role play. You get to force your cock in the tight hole. Why not? That’s why you kept going until you filled me up like you wanted. After your last balls were drained you threw money at me and ran off. All I could do is take the money and let your cum drip out of me. When it was time to get picked up, I heard a familiar voice. “Get in” was just like when I was getting used. It took me back when you were forcing your cock in me, and you just wanted it to “get in”. But a fantasy I will not tell you have and made come true.


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

Dark Fantasies accomplice sluts can be intimidating!!!

Dark FantasiesDark Fantasies accomplice sluts can be an intimidating evil!!! Are you afraid I will really take your soul? I have been called a siren and a succubus many times. It’s like I wiggle my way into the darkest side of your mind. All the things you do not let yourself think, suddenly cum bubbling to the surface! You have kept them demons quiet for so long, there’s no peace when they want to cum out and play. It invades every waking thought after a while. That’s why I do a service to the one true dark lord. As the sexy accomplice into evil and vile kidnapping rape fantasies and snuff, I let you free of those shackles! How would you like to release your evil semen and become free for a little while? 

Dark Fantasies accomplice sluts can be an intimidating evil!!!

Taboo role play with me lets out the demons! Follow me into the depths of hell and give Baphomet his dues. Yes, it is very true! I am in league with the devil. All he wants is for you to take a sweet, innocent slut so we can strangle her. Leave her dead body on his altar and free yourself. Your soul is much too complicated to deal with yourself. Let the dark evil of The devil take control.

I am but a messenger, a corrupter and soul finder! No wonder you have been so pent-up and going crazy. This sickness has been weighing on you for too long, baby! Tonight, say goodbye to all the normal and embrace my brand of accomplice play. Let’s go hunting for the perfect girl. Feel your hands wrap around her. And for every cum load you give me you become closer to the devil!  

Let your accomplice slut Alanza help you with a hot Strangle fantasy!

Alanza The Accomplice Slut

(855) 733-5746 ext 4262

A Taboo Role Play Can Help You Explore Your Rage for Mommy

taboo role playI love a good taboo role play. However, sometimes a role play gets too real even for a submissive whore. Trevor works with my master, but he is way younger than him. Younger than me too. But master told Trevor he could have me for a night for his mommy fantasy. A lot of younger men have mommy fantasies. And an older woman can help them act out those feelings.

However, Trevor did not have normal horny feelings for mommy. He had rage for mommy. So, he took that rage out on me. And I know neither master nor I saw that coming. Once we arrived back at my place, I went to dress into something more matronly. But he followed me into the room, pushed me on the bed and ripped off my clothes. He did not have normal mom fantasies. However, he did have rape phone sex fantasies for mommy.

You Can Take Your Mommy Rage Out on Me

My master would not be okay with him roughing up his prized pony, but Trevor did not care. Eventually, I gave up fighting. But it only made it worse. I wanted to please him for my master, but I wanted to please my master too. So, I did what I thought would hurt me the least. Turns out, Trevor wanted me to fight. Made it seem more real. You know, like his mother would really react.

So, I gave him a fight. He stopped hitting me, but he did not stop fucking me or choking me. Apparently, his mother cock teased him when he was little. She walked around in skimpy clothes. Sometimes, she would fuck a lover and be very loud when he was just in the next room. She even walked in on him in the shower.  Sounded to me like she deserved his dark fantasies.

His mommy revenge fantasy lasted about an hour. Although it felt like much longer. At least I did him and my master a favor. So, if you need revenge on mommy, I am seasoned now.


Submissive Whore Bernice

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4769

Taboo role play teen gets murdered and fed to the colony.

Taboo role playTaboo role play teen gets murdered and fed to the colony. In district 69 my daddy has the option of giving up me or one of my sisters for the feast. He has chosen me as he loves me the most and it will be the hardest to sacrifice. But he also knows that I will be the best to murder and gut like a pig to roast. And this tale of murder and cannibalism my teen body is the food for my people and I make my daddy cum when he kills me.


Taboo role play teen gets murdered and fed to the colony.

First he takes a dagger and stuff that wants through my belly as he sits his dirty ass on my face so I can eat it out. My guts are bleeding and he is playing inside of my belly hole like it’s another pussy. And when he’s happy that I’ve sucked his cock and teabagged his balls enough he’s going to fuck my belly wound. The tribe all says that this is just marinating my tender young flesh. I am but veal to feed my starving people. Second he takes the dagger and he slices open my titties so two other men can fuck them. Now I have a cock in my belly wound and one in each of my titties. They’re all filling me with semen sauce so they can roast me.

The dark fantasies about as I am strung up and tied to the roasting pit. It is only then that I see my sisters begin to be fucked one by one by the men waiting to eat. It’s been a long cold winter without any protein. And other sacrifice my body I knew that my sister’s will be next. But today I am happy to die to feed the men women and young ones. It is a great honor that I sacrifice my body to the good of my clan.

Taboo teen Trudy

(855) 733-5746 ext 4967

Dark fantasies of agonizing Torture sex can get bloody

Dark fantasies of agonizing Torture sex can get bloody! I crave the brutal pleasure of agonizing pain. As I’ve embraced this dark path, I’ve found that submission brings me immense pleasure, allowing me to transcend physical and emotional limits.Dark fantasies

I love my Master Daddy, are a connoisseur of depravity. Your fetish for mutilating helpless sluts like me is a source of inspiration.You slicing away at those puffy pussy lips is the pain us little whore deserve. It’s crazy but I love the twisted dance. It leaves me dripping wet and panting for more.

You eat flesh and savor the taste of Extreme snuff. We deserve to suffer and when force us to eat our flesh you really show your power.  I watch as you take those bloody morsels into your mouth, the delight in your eyes as you chew and spit them back into mine. As that warm flesh hits my tongue, I swallow willingly, your baby bird, eager to please.

I can feel the blood surging through my veins. My heart beats faster, thumping in sync with the rhythm of your knife slicing through my flesh. The pain is intoxicating, igniting a raging fire within me that consumes everything in its path.

So, my dear Master, let us continue this dance of pain and pleasure. Embrace the darkness that binds us, and let us create masterpieces that would make the most depraved gods envious. I am your willing canvas, forever devoted to the art of agonizing torture and eroticism. And together, we shall revel in the thrilling symphony of our deviant desires.



(855) 733-5746 ext 4649

Taboo role play got you milked by sissy nephew

Taboo role play where you can get any hole to milk you gets you off. Especially knowing you are in charge. Since you cock was hard and needing a hole to milk you, you used the only person left in the house. You walked into my youngest sons room. “You’re the only one here to milk me and you will” you say sternly as you pull your cock out and push it to his face. As he opened his mouth up to object, you just ram you dick in his mouth.

Taboo role play

While he choked and gagged you wrapped your belt around his neck. “Don’t worry you don’t need to breathe, you just need to make sure you milk my cock” you grunt as you fuck his mouth. My sons eyes were watering as he sucked your cock. Before he passed out, you pulled out your cock. “Time to milk me right and finish me right” you say as you get right behind him. “As I rip you open I want you to beg for more, do it if you know what’s best for you” is what you tell your young sissy nephew.

His body kept fighting but it made it better for your hard cock. Especially the more you strangle him, the more he fought. Finally his body started to give up and his tight little asshole loosened up. It made your cock explode as he passed out. Your nephews tight little ass hole leaked as he laid there lifeless with your belt around his neck. Weather he woke up or not, you busted your nut and that is all that matters. Only getting off from your Dark fantasies is what you want. 


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

Dark fantasies is what you had with my daughter

Dark fantasies for my bro because my uncle kept me all to himself. He was the only one who was allowed to torture fuck me. If he knew my brother got a chance to fuck my ass he would’ve probably offed me. Now that we are older you are very drawn to my daughter. “She looks just like you did when you were her age” you say as you lick your lips. “I need to fuck her like the few times I got you” you say as you stand up and expose your big hard cock. Before I could say anything,  you rammed your cock in my mouth.

Dark fantasies

You start to choke me as you fucked me throat and said, “you can help or not either way I’m fucking my niece”. Therefore that night we woke her up with your cock in her mouth. So I whispered in her ear, “be a good daughter and do what your uncle wants”. Since you were fucking her throat hard and deep she had tears streaming down her face. But I just set up my camera and ripped her panties off. Before she could say anything, I grabbed her face and smothered her mouth. As I made her lick my cunt, you rammed your cock deep in her butt. “That’s it take my cock just like your mommy did” you grunt over and over.

I just enjoyed the vibration from her screaming into my cunt, from the pain of her uncle ripping her ass open.  Knowing I was filming my brother use my daughters asshole just like my uncle did and you wanted with me, made my cunt too excited. I started squirting all in her mouth. Knowing I cummed made you fuck your niece even harder. Soon you were filling her butt with all your cum. Knowing I’ll be able to watch this as many times as I wanted made me want to do more nasty shit. We can fulfill all your Rape phone sex fantasies you wanted with me, just use my daughter and let me film it. 


(855) 733-5746 ext4633

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