

Dark fantasy stories add in the scat loving nasty artist.

   Dark fantasy stories       Dark fantasy stories add in the scat loving nasty artist. To point out that besides the nasty things that you already know are going to add in the element of surprise. I like taboos. Do you want to play with me? A little roleplay. Act out one of the fantasies? I have many stories. We will play them all. Including the taboo ones.

          To begin with it was a dark night. No moon. The devil was nearby. Could feel it crawl along the flesh.  With this in mind, set the candles, called the spirits. Invoking the devil himself. Could feel him filling me up.

          Raging throughout my body. The power. All in all, nothing compared. As long as I had him inside of me there was nothing that could stop me. The need to annihilate. To tear apart, to taste not only the scat, the piss, but the blood of virgin, welling up inside. Now all I needed was an accomplice.

          Dark Fantasies come true with the devil’s aid.

          Must be remembered I now carried the soul of the devil in me. On the positive side he was my guide and my protector. Ensuring I could and would complete my dark fantasy.

          Out of the night comes the not so willing victim. Like a lamb to the slaughter. Blood pumping, a knife is nearby. Blood is what I want. What I need to have. After all it is always about the blood. The life force. When the blood stops flowing then life stops. 

          Shallow cuts. Bring forth the demons. To be sure they are here to complete the savagery that the devil commands. Long protruding cocks, spikes on the end.

          Fantasy rape of the pillaging demons. Not even my accomplice is safe. Given these points I unleash the devil in me and together we take on the young, the innocent, all the virgin blood is ours. Artistry in motion. To the end.


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