

Dark Fantasies with Knives

dark fantasiesWhat dark fantasies do you have lurking in your brain? I have so many, I cannot begin to tell you them all, but most of them involve knives. I have a huge knife collection. Some of the knives belong to my great great grandfather during WWI. Let’s just say knives can be used for all sorts of things. They can be used to castrate worthless men with small dicks who cannot please women and have no business reproducing. Knives can be used for torture sex. You can cut superficially all over the body to create pain or you can make one fatal cut to an artery to cause death. Knives can be used to keep a bitch or a bastard in line. For me, knives inflict torturous pain and humiliation through castration. I use knives because I mean business. I mean death. Fuck, even some of the guys I castrate, I kill because they get on my nerves so easily. I don’t like people unless they are suffering. There is honesty and emotion in pain. When I am torturing someone with a big ass knife, I am seeing the real them. They aren’t being fake. They aren’t giving me what they think I want to hear. They are exposed as real people when they are dying. I know. I am a sick bitch. I bet I will only like you when you are dying too. Want to find out? My knives do.

taboo role play

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