

Dark Fantasies With Phone Sex Whore Lacey

One of my dark fantasies phone sex dreams, screamed and struggled as you dragged me into your van, my heart pounding in terror. You were a neighbor I had seen around but never really talked to, and now here you were, kidnapping me. The smell of sweat and leather filled the air as you bound my wrists tightly behind my back with rope. My pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as you gagged me with a filthy rag that tasted like cigarettes and old coffee.

You drove us to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town where it was dark and damp. You pushed me roughly onto a dirty mattress lying on the floor before tearing off my clothes with savage force. Your rough hands grabbed at my young body, squeezing my breasts hard enough to make them ache while your fingers probed deep inside of me without any warning or care for my consent whatsoever.

I begged for mercy between sobs but all that came out was muffled whimpers through the gag in my mouth when you shoved two fingers into my tight little cunt – stretching it painfully wide – then another two into my ass hole which felt so unbearably full! It hurt so much yet somehow also aroused this strange part of myself that craved more even though every fiber of being screamed at me not too want it!

As if sensing this perverse desire within me, your cockhead rubbed against both holes teasingly before finally pushing past the ring-puckering resistance from either side

and filling me up completely. You began thrusting roughly inside of me, your hips slapping against my ass cheeks as you pounded into my tight cunt while grunting with pleasure at the sensation. I felt like I was being torn apart but couldn’t help the wave of shameful arousal that coursed through my body every time you hit that spot deep within me.

You pulled out suddenly only to slam back in again, this time aiming for my gagging mouth instead. Your thick cockhead pushed past my lips and filled up my throat until it touched the back of my nose – choking off any sound or air from escaping as you started fucking my face too! My eyes watered uncontrollably from the pain but also from shock at how much this depraved act turned me on despite myself!

As if sensing how close I was to cumming uncontrollably, you stopped abruptly leaving both holes achingly empty before moving down between them once more – licking and teasing each one mercilessly until they were both dripping wet with anticipation once more.

…then you plunged back into me again – this time fucking both holes simultaneously! It felt like I was being split in two as your cock stretched me impossibly wide while hitting every nerve ending inside of me. You growled low in your throat, taking control completely as you pounded away at my young body without any regard for my well-being or comfort.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm but knew better than to ask for release from this torment. Instead, I focused on the sensations coursing through my body – the pain mixed with pleasure that threatened to consume me whole… And then it happened – waves upon waves of intense ecstasy crashed over me leaving no part untouched by their power! My voice echoed muffled cries through the gag as hot sticky cum shot out from every hole onto your filthy hands and clothes beneath us.dark fantasies phone sex

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