

Dark fantasies endings of a dope whore end badly

Dark fantasies Hadley Hardcore has some dark fantasies of her own to share with you!

As my veins pulse with a twisted pleasure of Heroine running in them is the time I confess that I will do anything to stay High. I will Be your puppet on string for you to torture and use all so I can get a little taste of that black tar! my dark nature. There is a chance of my dealer inflicting unimaginable pain and torment upon me for the money I owe him. This cunt bitch druggy us sure nothing will bring him more joy than watching the light fade from my blue bloodshot eyes!

Dark fantasies endings of a dope whore end badly

Definitely, my dealer going to get his cock hard as hell knowing that he is the one responsible for a dope whores demise. Drug sluts are worthless beings who are nothing but playthings meant to be broken and discarded without a second thought. Every whore has her last day on the streets. Always waiting for that last deadly trick!

On that day every crack of bone and slice of skin, He will feel an insatiable thirst for blood that can only be quenched by drowning a blonde bimbo in its scarlet pool. He is a mean evil man whose desires are far more depraved and wicked than any ordinary person could comprehend. Why do you think I do not shy away from the taboo roleplay. I have seen his evil in person on other washed up strung out whores!

If you dare to delve into the depths of that type of sadistic mind, must become your hooker victim. It is okay if your thirst for pain and suffering knows no bounds! My last wishes are that you will stop at nothing until every last drop of blood has been spilled and my scream and habits silenced!

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