

Dark fantasies freak Stephanie

dark fantasiesBeing a dark fantasies phone sex slut is what I am best at. I was trained by my Daddy to find and use little sluts and to not give a shit about what happens to them afterwards. That’s why I make the perfect accomplice slut for my Daddy. We go around to different cities and pick up tiny sluts for him to fuck and destroy. It doesn’t bother me when little brats are crying and begging me to save them. In fact, it makes my fuck hole wet whenever I hear a little slut cry for their Mommy while my Daddy is forcing his huge hard cock into them. I hold their tiny legs open for Daddy and help guide his huge dick into those tight little holes. My favorite part is after Daddy cums in them and gets ready to snuff them out. He wraps his giant hands around their tiny throats and squeezes the life out of them, while they’re still on his cock. I want to find Daddy some more little sluts to play with!


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