I know I shouldn’t have been so free around my neighbor’s dad. Because he has Dark fantasies for young slurs. Using their little bald holes to milk you and get your filthy desires it what you’ll do anything for. So, when you dropped us off, you snuck around to find me. You knew I was different and would drift off. you caught me alone, masked with a knife. I was so scared until you spoke. Then I knew it was my neighbor’s dad.
Just like every nasty pcock, you wanted to force yourself inside me. I learned if I let you, I would be on and get what I wanted. Therefore, I let you force me open. You rammed your cock inside my young bald cunt, while holding me down behind the bushes with the knife. You forced yourself so deep inside me, that cried out hard. But you didn’t stop, and no one could hear me. All you could picture is fucking your young brat. That is why you went so hard and deep.
Finally, you filled me up like you needed to and right before your daughter found us. That’s the best part of Taboo role play. You get to force your cock in the tight hole. Why not? That’s why you kept going until you filled me up like you wanted. After your last balls were drained you threw money at me and ran off. All I could do is take the money and let your cum drip out of me. When it was time to get picked up, I heard a familiar voice. “Get in” was just like when I was getting used. It took me back when you were forcing your cock in me, and you just wanted it to “get in”. But a fantasy I will not tell you have and made come true.