

Taboo role play from hell

taboo role playMy boyfriend is pretty sinister I figured that out real quick when we started dating. My boyfriend Greg would snap over everything and ben’t being satisfied sexually that’s why he would be in a bad mood, well at least that’s what he would tell me. I was over the mood swings but also very intrigued with it. He always wanted to spice things up with accomplice stuff and friends. I was always against it so he stuck to watching some porn and moping about it. I knew he was getting tired of the same stuff, Sometimes certain things would get him feeling fulfilled but in actuality, he would be over it. One day I realized he had a freakish taboo role play he wanted so badly to fulfill, I thought he was pulling my leg but I noticed he was serious as he can be. He wanted to have two guys he played poker with double penetrate me in front of him. I was not ready for that and said no, hell no! Well, I finally caved and before I knew it he had both drunk smelly guys over ready to fuck me and make me their little cum whore for the night. It was a crazy sight to see my boyfriend get to turn on to me being fucked rough. The more they smacked me around and fucked me hard, the more turned on he got. He was enjoying the view.

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